Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dream #1

As a preface, I'll say that I've been reading about /listening to / watching a lot of content concerning CODMW2, and that I've been in some sort of feverish state for a few days. And now, the dream.

I was in some sort of large, grassy field, and met with two acquaintances from school ( a boy and a girl, both a grade younger than me). while there, we saw someone else from my school who none of us particularly liked. Next, I'm in some sort of large city in the twilight, walking up the steps to a building that must either be a bank or a museum, but is largely without furniture or anything else those buildings would hold. I make my way to the opposite end of the building from the entrance, on the second floor, and meet the same two friends. We talk for a short while, and then all of a sudden, people with guns begin attacking us. we have somehow acquired our own weapons, and begin fending off the assailants. at some point, I realize that the person orchestrating the attack is the same one we saw in the field earlier. The boy who was on my side of the fight disappears, and me and the girl sneak through back towards the entrance with pistols, at one point making our way through a bathroom where i was sure an enemy would attack by jumping from one of the stalls. eventually we make our way out, meet up with the boy who had disappeared, and begin chasing the other kid and his henchmen. he causes a moving van type of vehicle to swerve off the road into a parking lot. when it tips over, a pile of vespa scooters tumble out from inside the van. The person we are chasing escapes. Next scene, I'm on board a space station (yea, I don't know either) along with the two others. For some reason, gravity still applies. We're under attack by the same group of people, and we realize that the guy chasing us is willing to blow up the station in order to kill us. We flee to the escape pods, and mine is the last on the row. the other two make it, but for some reason when I squeeze into the garbage can sized pod and eject, the top doesn't come with.

I woke up gasping for air.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Only A Little Late (Modern Guilt Review)

Yes, I'm a fanboy! No, that's not a conclusion! No, I'm not a good writer! Yay, it's a new post!

Beck’s Modern Guilt is his first full album attempt to express his dark, melancholic side. Because of this, the album is remarkably consistent. Almost all of the tracks feature his electronically warped, near-indiscernible voice whose fans would be familiar with from earlier songs such as Broken Drum or Derelict. These same tracks feature the jazz-like interlacing of drumbeats by Modern Guilt’s co-producer, Danger Mouse, and an overall tone of sadness and despair (this makes sense because Beck began writing the album shortly after a divorce and almost twenty years of a grinding tour schedule). Notable standouts of Modern Guilt include Gamma Ray (a simple but catchy surfer rock tale of nuclear annihilation) and Volcano (a two minute autobiography of Beck’s quest to find balance between his morbid feelings and crowd pleasing compulsions).
Now, all this consistency might read like a compliment, but as any Beck fan will tell you, inconsistency is his strong suit. On Odelay!, you will find, back-to-back, the punk rock sounds of Minus next to rockabilly classic Sissyneck next to the electronica of Readymade next to the rap-chant of High 5 (Rock the Catskills). Which brings me to one last thing. With just ten tracks and at a few minutes older than half an hour, this album is short. It’s just a little bit more than half as long as Beck’s second most recent album, The Information. But that isn't really a problem. It’s just another facet of the diamond in the rough that is Beck.