Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Reflections on School EYE

Ok, first of all, I want to tell everyone who sees this "Thank you for visiting!" (that's a direct quote by the way). Now, if, in the unlikely chance you actually enjoy this post, or get something out of it, or connect, or etc. etc. etc. please don't depend on me to keep publishing. I'd like to do just that, but I'm really busy at the moment and this is of secondary importance right now.

Now about the post. Ok. Be warned that this was a little journal entry I did in 20 minutes in-class, (less really) that I transcribed to the computer. In other words, it is RAW. All of the punctuation, profanity, and grammar is still present, no editing required. Keeping that in mind, I hope you have an enjoyable time peering through this tiny little window into my life.

I don’t really understand what this about. After all this explanation I still don’t know what I’m doing. Am I stupid? I hope not – I don’t think I am, either. But then, why am I leaving this godamned place? Are all my excuses pitiful little just-that’s? Is that what defines me? I don’t think so; but We’ll see. I just know that I can’t take more of this place – of the teacher x who requires their students to arrive in little cookie cutter rshapes – their assignments, too. Of teacher Y who is utterly incompetent half the time, while going way over our heads the next. I can’t stand school district Z who wastes money on band and over-the-hill sports, but cant’ spend a few hundred on something non traditional. It doesn’t fit the norm and isn’t in the social pretext. Will school A be any better? How the fuck will I know? But it isn’t this place, and that makes me willing to try it. A school that doesn’t fill itself to the brim with acronyms – doesn’t divide, then conquer its students. More importantly though, it realizes (from what I’ve heard) that kids are just that – kids. I suppose the problem with this place isn’t that they treat us as adults, (they certainly don’t) But instead we get lost in the inbetweens, slip beneath the covers of the couch and are lost in this sad little parody of no-quite-here-or-there.

Again, thanks for reading, and please, lots of feedback. My career path seems to be going in a written direction, so improvements are appreciated. Also, I promise less vulgarity when I write in the future, this is just a subject I'm highly passionate about (in a bad way).

1 comment:

Bjørn Parramoure said...

how's the new school working out for you?