Monday, September 13, 2010

Dream # Four

Scorpions. three of them. One of them was no bigger than a bottle cap, but faster than a human. It would scurry straight at me, and I would just barely sidestep it every time. A second was normal in size and speed, the least of my worries. I would be so preoccupied with the other two that this one frequently disappeared from my sight, reappearing in the periphery of my vision after I had evaded the other two. The last was a true menace, no longer than the other two but with an incredibly exaggerated stinger and front claws. It was always hanging from the ceiling in an attempt to drop down on my neck. Other people would enter the room, unaware of the scorpions. I would warn them just in time, and they would disappear, leaving me alone in the room. I was trapped with three scorpions, and there was no way out.

Been having quite a few odd dreams lately, including one where I was drunk (which I've never been) but none of them were so vivid as this. I wrote the summary hours after I woke up, long after most details would have faded for a different dream. Guessing the genesis of this one was the scorpion I found right next to my bedroom door a month ago, plus the baby scorpion next to my bedpost I thought was a piece of fuzz (it wasn't) that stung me when I was eight.

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